What if there were a way to take the waste heat that spews from car tailpipes or power plant chimneys and turn it into electricity? Matt Scullin thinks there is, and he's formed a company to turn that idea into a reality.
A BTF enginyers volem donar-vos un servei d'enginyeria industrial personalitzada, suport tècnic i professional i un assessorament proper, directe i de confiança.
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Estudis estalvi i reduccio factura electrica
Certificats energètics
Plans d'autoprotecció
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Associacions professionals de diferents àmbits amb les que col·laborem habitualment
Secció d'articles recollits d'internet
What if there were a way to take the waste heat that spews from car tailpipes or power plant chimneys and turn it into electricity? Matt Scullin thinks there is, and he's formed a company to turn that idea into a reality.
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